Sunday, September 2, 2007


We are still here at LGH, enjoying the beautiful view today from INSIDE LGH (unfortunately). Thankfully, Rich's cough is not as bad as it was, and his white blood cells are still on their way up. He's at 0.9 now (he was at 0.1 when he came in), but the safe range is 4.0-8.0. He went almost 24 hours without a fever, but spiked a temp. of 101.2 last night around midnight. So, Rich is continuing to get IV antibiotics every 8 hours or so. A discharge doesn't seem likely in the next day or two, but I guess anything could happen.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're back in again! I think of you often! I hope that your counts head back up and you can get back home and enjoy being with your wife! Your wedding pictures were beautiful!!!!! We loved being able to see them and excited you weren't in the hospital!! I'm not working in the hospital anymore, I'm at a doctor's office now, but still think of you guys often. Daphne- Enjoy the start of school!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope ypu come home soon cause I am really tired of visiting your sorry butt at the hospital....Love Dad