Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back at LGH

Well, this is one you haven't heard in quite a few months. On Saturday night, Richard's fever climbed up to 102, so we called the doctor who sent us to the ER at LGH. We went in around midnight. Thankfully, Richard had a room upstairs at 8 Lime by about 3:30 a.m. He has a cough which is progressively getting worse. He has some sort of infection, most likely some kind of repiratory infection (the cough gives it away). They have him on general IV antibiotics for now. They took blood cultures and a culture of brain/spinal fluid from his head port (just because he has infection there before, they want to cover all the bases). We are waiting to see if they grow anything. The chest x-ray was inconclusive because in order to see pneumonia on a chest x-ray, the body has to have white blood cells clustered around the infection. Since Richard has virtually no white blood cells right now, the x-ray isn't accurate. His red blood cells and platelets were also very low, so he got an infusion early this morning after he got the room. He has a nice big room up there and is in a corner suite. This is all disappointing because of it being his last round and all, but again, we just have to deal with it and pray that they find the problem so we can get him on the right antibiotics. The sooner they can do that, the sooner he should be able to come back home.

Well, it's always drama, drama, drama with this guy. Sooner or later our lives will be back to "normal." At least he's feeling okay (besides the cough). He has TV and car magazines to keep him occupied until the cultures or scans show the infection.



Anonymous said...

Hey Richard and Daphne,
Sorry to hear you are at LGH once again; but, at least you're getting great care and it's just a matter of getting the right meds.
Hang in there-we are really pulling for you and praying extra hard. The "Pilgrim Virgin" statue from our parish is in our home this week; so we will have a "direct line" to the Blessed Mother to keep you in her care! We will talk to you soon.
Love and hugs,
Aunt Paula

Julia Rocchi said...

Hi coz and coz-in-law,

Oh geez. That stinks. But I'm confident the ship will right itself soon. Hang in there!

In the meantime, Uncle Pat made QUITE the pun today that you must share with Aunt Karen. Mom was discussing all the wildfires burning through Greece right now, and Dad said, "Yeah, there's nothing like a big Greece fire."


[rim shot]


Love, Julia

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo!
Hang in there! We continue to pray! I do have your pics, I just never know when a good time is to get them to you. Call me sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daphne,
By the time you receive this response to your last newsletter, I hope Richard D. will be on his way to recovery and on his way home! What a bummer! Knowing Richard, he has already made his list of things to do, following his last treatment. Patience dear nephew. You'll be as good as new in no time. Going to the mountains on Thursday til after Labor Day. Laura and her children will be joining us this trip.
May you, too, have cause to celebrate this end of summer holiday. God Bless. Hope to see you soon.
Aunt Helen